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How to develop a free WordPress website on byethost [2020]

How to develop a free WordPress website on byethost [2020]

A high-quality, free WordPress hosting provider without ads, byet-host offers 5GB of disk space, free 24/7 support, and email forwarding. With their Softaculous script installer, you can have WordPress running in one click.

Byethost is a free hosting network that preserves its own clustered hosting network providing the user with a powerful and load-balanced platform. With a high variety of reliability and speed, this free WordPress hosting is yet another name we do not hesitate to recommend. Combined with the already great features, this hosting also provides space provisions and excellent sub-domain options.

Completely cost-free as well as zero ads, this hosting service is probably the optimal choice if you are looking for great free hosting for your WordPress site. Look forward to an awesome experience and better web hosting right away by signing up for absolutely free!

How to develop a free WordPress website on byet-host

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a free account on “byet-host“.
How to develop a free WordPress website on byet-host
  • After account creation. Login into 
  • Once you are logged in, you will need to scroll down until you locate your app installer. For installing WordPress using Byethost, locate the Softaculous App Installer. Other hosting companies may use a different name, but it is generally under your software section.
  • In softaculous apps, installer find WordPress and click on the install button.
Softaculous Scripts
  • Installing WordPress Options

After we have clicked install WordPress, you will be presented with options that you can choose. Let’s go over those options.

  • Software Setup:
Software Setup
  • Choose Protocol: If you paid or have SSL encryption for your site then change this option to https://, otherwise you can leave it as http://.
  • Choose Domain: If you are using free hosting and you have already added a domain to your account, register a domain and sign up for hosting”. Then make sure to change this to your website name. Or else it may default to the subdomain, so you would get “” instead of:”.
  • In Directory – This is the directory where WordPress installs. By default, it will show WP and you would want to remove this so it is blank, as per the example. Otherwise a visitor would have to type in “” instead of just “”.
  • Site Settings:
Site Settings
  • Site Name: If you have a name for your site, type it here. Example for this website we would use magicwp.
  • Site Description: Add a brief sentence of what your website is about. Example; “magic with WordPress”.
  • Enable Multisite: Most likely you would leave this unchecked. If your hosting provider allows this feature, it provides the ability to create a network of sites on demand.
  • Admin Account:
Admin Account
  • Admin Username: This is where you will select your user name. This will be used to log into WordPress on your site. *Note* it is highly recommended to change this from admin. You will also want to write this down and keep it safe.
  • Admin Password: This is the password to log into WordPress on your site. The color bar represents how strong your password is. Make sure to change the default password. Choose something that is difficult to guess. You will also want to write this down with your Username and keep in a safe place.
  • Admin Email: Enter your email address.
  • Choose Language and Select Plugin(s):
Choose Language and Select Plugin(s)
  • Select Language: This gives you the option to select a language. magicwp per TOC is for U.S. only so select English.
  • Select Plugin(s) You might have an option to select plugin(s) with your WordPress installation. This maybe different depending on your host provider.  Note:  This should not to be confused with the plugins that you can install later in WordPress, that help you create your website.
  • Advanced Options and Select Theme
Advanced Opt and Theme
  • Advanced Options: With the installation of WordPress through Softaculous you might have the ability to install advanced options. Most users can skip this step, but you might find some useful things.  Like backup location and the ability to automatically update WordPress.
  • Select Theme – WordPress is powered by themes. There are numerous free themes to choose from. Note: “You don’t have to choose a theme at this time and a default theme will be installed”. After installation, you will have the ability to change your theme. We cover this topic in detail. Installing a WordPress Theme.

Almost done, all we have left to do is click install and you will see a progress bar installing WordPress for your website.

  1. Logging into WordPress
WordPress Login

Congratulations you have installed WordPress. Now it is time to login to your website and start creating those amazing posts, or selling those products everyone is ready to buy!

How to Login to your WordPress Site

Login into your WordPress site will be determined on what you chose in the “Software Section – In Directory”. You may have also received an email when you installed WordPress of where to go to login. The login screen should look like this. Enter your “Username or Email Address” and your “Password” and click “Log In”.